Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Today's Financial Crisis

This seems like a rerun of Cramer's Mad Money. Take a few important things away from last week. First the shorts got burned big by Kirk (GM) . Going from the most shorted stock to what some think will be another Chrysler turnaround. Just in time for S&P to downgrade GM to junk status. The credit markets are scrabbling but remember who is charge. The Central Bankers. That is why he Treasury decided to start selling the 30 year bond again. That alone will add revenue to all the financials. The Bankers are saying that monetary policy is sound and if we continue to buy more imports than exports, our counterparties (Japan, China and GB) will need a place to put these extra reserves. In this case, they are buying US Treasuries! Not to mention that there are rumors about several Hedge Funds going belly up. Gives you tingles of 1998 all over again. This will cause an inlection point were the central bankers take note and allow the banks access to capital. The Fed is raising rates(measured albeit) but assuring the invesment world that liquidity will still be available. For those of you who aren't already drunk on this punch, due to the inflation of your home, the market is in perfect position to take off. Low inflation, low rates, and double digit growth on the EPS of the S&P! Just watch! One last note to the traders who cause the volatility, think for yourself and you won't get flushed out.