Monday, June 21, 2004

Getting married

I am finally getting married to the most wonderful person in the world! Her name is Leah Quinlan. We are so happy and thought this poem might fit with what we are embarking on.

The Promises of Marriage

Marriage is a promise of companionship,
of having someone to share
all of life's experiences.

Marriage does not promise that there will
not be any rough times,
just the assurance that there will
always be someone
who cares and will help you through
to better time.
Marriage does not promise eternal romance,
just eternal love and commitment.
Marriage can't prevent disappointments,
disillusionment, or grief,
but it can offer hope, acceptance,
and comfort.
Marriage can't protect you from making
individual choices
or shelter you from the world,
but it will help to reassure you
that there is someone by your side
who truly cares.
When the world hurts you
and makes you feel vulnerable,
marriage offers the promise that there will
be someone waiting to listen,
to console, to inspire.
Marriage is the joining of two people
who share the promise
that only marriage can make -
to share the sunshine and the shadows,
and to experience a richer, more fulfilling life
because of it.